Find Largest Number by Menu Driven

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The program is written here to design a menu-driven program to find the largest number between two or three numbers. According to the choice of the user, the inputs are taken, and then the largest number is found and printed.


For example, if the two numbers are 5 and 8, then the largest number is 8.

If the three numbers are 5, 2 and 4 then the largest number is 5.




INPUT: Two or Three numbers according to the user choice.

OUTPUT: The largest number among two or three numbers.


Step 1: [function to find the largest between two numbers]

               Read a, b [two numbers]

               If a>b then

                              Print “a is largest”


                              Print “b is largest”

               [End of ‘if’]

Step 2: [Function to find the largest between three numbers]

               Read a, b, c [three numbers]

               If a>b and a>c then

                              Print “a is largest"

               else if b>a and b>c then

                              Print “b is largest"


                              Print “c is largest"

               [End of ‘if’]

Step 3: [Main function]

               Print “1. Find the largest between two numbers 

          2. Find the largest between three numbers

          Enter your choice”

Read ch [choice]

If ch=1 then

               Call the function to find the largest number between two numbers

Else If ch=2 then

               Call the function to find the largest number between three numbers


               Print “Wrong Choice”

[End of ‘if’]

[End of ‘main’ function]

Step 4: Stop.



if(a>b) ----------------------------------------------------------- O(1)

                              printf("%d is largest",a);

               else -------------------------------------------------------------- O(1)

                              printf("%d is largest",b);

               if(a>b&&a>c) ------------------------------------------------- O(1)

                              printf("%d is largest",a);

               else if(b>a&&b>c) ------------------------------------------- O(1)

                              printf("%d is largest",b);

               else ------------------------------------------------------------- O(1)

                              printf("%d is largest",c);


Here,  O(1) means constant time. Each ‘if’ statement and ‘else’ statement takes a constant time to execute. 


Therefore, the time complexity of this program is O(1).



The space complexity of this program is O(1)  as it requires a constant number of spaces for any given input.