Concept of Percentage and Examples


Percentage is one of the most important chapters in arithmetic. It is necessary to know the clear concepts of percentage. It plays a very important role in the calculation of Data Interpretation, Profit & Loss, SI-CI, etc.


Percentage: The ‘term percent is an abbreviation for the Latin word ‘Percentum’. It means ‘out of every hundred’. It is denoted by the symbol ‘%

For example –

20%  means 20 out of 100.


Each and every ratio can be expressed as a percentage.

For example –

So, we can convert any fraction into a percentage by multiplying 100. And we need to put the ‘%’ sign.

We can also convert a percentage into a fraction by replacing the ‘%’ sign with 1100and also we need to reduce the fraction into the simplest form.


Let us take few examples –


We can also convert a percentage into a decimal and a decimal into a percentage.

To convert a percentage into a decimal we need to remove the % sign and need to move the decimal point two places to the left.



(i) 37% = 0.37


(ii) 27.5% = 0.275


To convert a decimal into a percentage we need to move the decimal point two places to the right (if necessary add zeros) and we need to put the % sign.



(i) 0.27 = 27%


(ii) 23.53 = 2353%


(iii) 3.5 = 350%


Now we need to remember a few fractions to percentage conversion.

Formula to calculate the percentage

From this, we can conclude

Whenever two numbers are given, then we can express one number as a percentage of another.

Suppose two numbers are m and n. so, when we express ‘m as a percent of n’ then we can write -

And when we express ‘n as a percent of m’ then we can write -



5 is what percent of 20?




Percentage increase or decrease:



(i) Height of Ram was 120 cm 3 years ago. His present height is 140 cm. Find the percentage change in his height?

