GATE question on Working Set Model


GATE: 1992, Q: 12

Let the page reference and the working set window be c c d b c e c e a d and 4, respectively. The initial working set at time t = 0 contains the pages {a,d,e}, where a was referenced at time t = 0, d was referenced at time t = −1, and e was referenced at time t = −2. Determine the total number of page faults and the average number of page frames used by computing the working set at each reference.



Before seeing the solution please follow the previous chapter:  Working Set Model



The window size of working set = 4

Initial pages in the working set window = {e, d, a}


Page requested TimeWorking set windowPage fault (Hit/Miss)Current windows
d-1{d, e}-----Preloaded
a0{a, d, e}-----Preloaded
c1{c, a, d, e}Page fault 4
c2{c, a, d}No page fault3
d3{d, c, a}No page fault3
b4{b, d, c}Page fault3
c5{b, d, c}No page fault3
e6{e, c, b, d}Page fault4
c7{c, e, b}No page fault3
e8{e, c}No page fault2
a9{a, e, c}Page fault3
d10{d, a, e, c}Page fault4


Number of page faults = 5


Now, we are calculating the average frame requirement