Single linked list to circular linked list conversion

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Linked list is a linear data structure, which is used to store elements (i.e. data) in a memory. However, the elements are not stored at contiguous memory locations. Linked lists are a collection of nodes, which has two parts - data field which is used to store the data and a link field which points to the next node in the list. In a single linked list, every node in the list points to the next node in the list except for the last node which points to nothing.  

Circular linked lists are a variation to the single link lists where the last node also points to the first node. In circular linked lists all the nodes are connected to form a circle. 




head which points to the first node in the circular linked list.



Various operations on a Circular Linked List.



Step 1: Start


Step 2: Defining the insert(head) function

l  Set newNode[data]       <=   value.

l  Set newNode[next]      <=   NULL.

l  If head = NULL then,

(a) Set head    <=    newNode.

l  Else then,

(a) Set temp  <=    head

(b) Repeat the substeps while temp[next] != NULL

Set temp  <  temp[next].

(c) Set temp[next]  <=     newNode.


Step 3: Defining the create(head) function

l Display “Enter the number of elements.”

l  Repeat i for 0 to N-1.

(a)  Enter ith value.


 head          insert(value,head).

 Display “Linked List has been created.”


Step 4: Defining the circular(head) function

Set start       <=  head.

 Repeat substeps while head[next] !=NULL

(a) Set head       <=    head[next]

 Set head[next]     <=     start.


Step 5: Defining the display function

l Set temp    <=      head.

l  If head = NULL then

(a) Display”List is empty.”

(b) Return.

l  Repeat while temp[next] ! = head

(a)  Display temp[data].

(b)  Set temp <=   temp[next]

 Display temp[data].


Step 6: Stop



 Circular linked list has a lot of applications. Some of the most common applications are

In round robin scheduling, all the running applications are kept in a circular linked list and the operating system provides each with a fixed time slot for running. The operating system keeps on iterating over the circular linked list untill all the active applications have finished their execution.

Operating systems use circular linked list to share time for different users, in a multiple user system.

In multi-player games circular linked lists are used to swap players in a loop.


The circular linked list has many advantages -

l The entire linked list can be traversed from any node.

l Circular linked lists are used in a variety of applications which require looping around a list.

l Circular linked lists are used for implementation of advanced data structures like Fibonacci heap.



The circular linked list has many disadvantages -

l Circular linked list is complex as compared to single linked list.

l If not traversed carefully, it could get end up in an infinite loop.

l Like any other linked lists, circular linked lists also do not support direct accessing of elements in the list.



Time Complexity: 

Let us assume there are ‘n’ number of elements in a single linked list. To convert it into a circular linked list with ‘n’ nodes, every node has to be traversed and then the last node is made to point to the head.

Space Complexity: 

If there are ‘n’ number of elements in a single linked list, then the space complexity of converting it into a circular linked list is O(n).