String Palindrome using Stack

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Stack: Stack is a linear data structure used to store a collection of data. Data is inserted using push()operation and deleted using pop() operation. Stack is a LIFO (Last in First out) data structure where data is removed from the topof the stack only. 


String palindrome using Stack: To check string palindrome using stack, we push every character till the middle character of the string onto the stack. Then, we iterate from the middle character ( or after the middle character if the length of the string is odd ) till the last character. In every iteration we pop a character from the stack and compare it with the character in the string in the current iteration.



Let us consider the string “MADAM”. The procedure for checking if it is palindrome is illustrated in the diagram below.



  • Array
  • Stack






1.    A string


1.    Displays if enteredstring is palindrome or not


Step 1: Start


Step 2: Set int top <= -1


Step 3: Defining push function

           void push(char stack[], char ch)

                       Set top <= top + 1

                       Set stack[top] <= ch


Step 4: Defining pop function

           char pop(char stack[])

                       Set temp <= stack[top]

                       Set top <= top – 1

                       Return temp


Step 5: Defining input function

           void input(char str[])

                       Display “Enter Input String”

                       Read str

                       Display “Input String: \n”

                       Display str


Step 6: Defining checkPalindrome function

           int checkPalindrome(char str[], char stack[])

                       Set int i <= 0

                       Set char ch <= null

                       Set int mid <= length(str) / 2

                       Set int flag <= 1       

                       While (i < mid) do

                                   Call push(stack, str[i])

                                   Set i <= i + 1

                       End while

                       Check if ((length(str) mod 2) ≠ 0)

                                    Set i <= i + 1

                       End if

                       While (str[i]) do

                                   Set ch <= Call pop(stack)

                                   Check if (ch ≠ str[i])

                                               Set flag ß0


                                   End if

                                   Set i <= i + 1

                       End while

                       Check if (flag = 1)

                                   Display “Palindrome string”


                                   Display “Non palindrome string”

                       End if


Step 7: Defining main function

           Set char str[20] <= null

           Set char *stack <= null

           Call input(str)

           Set stack <= GetNode(length(str) * char)

           Call chackPalindrome(str, stack)


Step 8: Stop



  • A linked list implementation of the stack can be used for dynamic stack.
  • The algorithm uses extra space for the stack, hence, the space complexity is O(n) where n is size of the stack.
  • The algorithm has linear time complexity O(n) where n is the length of the string.



  • The algorithm has linear time complexity O(n) where n is the length of the string.
  • Efficient memory utilization since the stacks grow towards each other. Hence, the size of each stack is not fixed and can have maximum size = size of the array


  • The algorithm uses extra space for the stack, hence, the space complexity is O(n) where n is size of the stack.
  • Since, the algorithm uses array implementation of the stack, memory utilization is not efficient



Time Complexity:

Push()operations and Pop() operations take constant time O(1). The checkPalindrome() function iterates over every character and calls the push()and pop() operations. Hence, the total time complexity isO(n) + O(1) + O(1) = O(n) where n is the length of the string. 

Space Complexity:

         The algorithm uses extra space for the stack, hence, the space complexity isO(n) where n is size of the stack.