Double Stack

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Stack: Stack is a linear data structure used to store a collection of data. Data is inserted using push()operation and deleted using pop() operation. Stack is a LIFO (Last in First out) data structure where data is removed from thetopof the stack only. 


Double Stack: Double stack or stack growing towards each other can be implemented using an array where one stack starts from the leftmost position of the array and the second stack starts from the rightmost position of the array. Two tops of the stacks are separately maintained as illustrated in Figure below.


  • Array
  • Stack


Consider an array of size 6. Stack1 starts from leftmost of position of the array with top initialized to top1 = -1 and Stack1 starts from rightmost of position of the array with top initialized to top1 = size = 6. The procedure is illustrated in figure below. 




1.    Elements of the stack


1.    Result of push and pop operations.


Step 1: Start

 Step 2: Set int size     6


Step 3: Set top1     -1 

Step 4: Set top2     size


Step 5: Defining push function

           void push(int stack[], int item, int id)

                       Check if(top1 < top2 – 1)

                                   Check if(id = 1)

                                               Set top1     top1 + 1

                                               Set stack[top1]     item


                                               Set top2     top2 – 1

                                               Set stack[top2]     item

                                   End if


                                   Display “Stack overflow”

                       End if


Step 6: Defining pop function

           intpop(int stack[], int id)

                       Check if (id = 1)

                                   Check if (top1 >= 0)

                                               Set int item     stack[top1]

                                               Set top1top1 – 1

                                               Display “Popped item:”, item


                                               Display “Stack underflow”

                                   End if

                       Else if (id = 2)

                                   Check if (top2 < size)

                                               Set int item     stack[top2]

                                               Set top2     top2 + 1

                                               Display “Popped item:”, item


                                               Display “Stack underflow”

                                   End if

                       End if


Step 7: Defining display function

           void display(int stack[])

                       Display “Stack 1:”

                       for i = top1 to i>= 0 repeat

                                   Display stack[i], “à”

                                   Set ii – 1

                       Display “Stack 2:”

                       for i = top2 to i< size repeat

                                   Display stack[i], “à”

                                   Set ii + 1


Step 8: Defining main function

           Set int flag     1

           Set int stack[size]  null

           While(flag) do

                       Display “1: Push to Stack 1 \n”

                       Display “2: Push to Stack 2 \n”

                       Display “3: Pop from Stack 1 \n”

                       Display “4: Pop from Stack 2 \n”

                       Display “5: Display stacks \n”

                       Display “6: Exit \n”

                       Read choice


                                   Case 1:

                                               Display “Enter item”

                                               Read item

                                               Call push(stack, item, 1)


                                   Case 2:

                                               Display “Enter item”

                                               Read item

                                               Call push(stack, item, 2)



                                   Case 3:

                                               Call pop(stack, 1)


                                   Case 4:

                                               Call pop(stack, 2)


                                  Case 5:

                                               Call display(stack)


                                   Case 6:

                                               Set flag     0



                                               Display “Wrong Choice

                       End Switch

           End While

           Return 0


Step 9: Stop