0/1 Knapsack problem using dyanamic programming

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The knapsack problem is a combinatorial optimization problem. The word knapsack in English means a bag carried on the back. In 0/1 knapsack problem the knapsack has a certain limited capacity let us say wmax. Now we want to pack ‘n’ items in the knapsack in such a manner that:-

l Each item i has a value vi and a weight wi.

l We can carry as many items we want to but the total weight of the items taken must not exceed wmax.

l A fractional amount of item cannot be taken.


Let us try to understand what 0/1 knapsack problem is using an interesting elementary example. Let us suppose ,a robber breaks into a electronic supermarket at night when no one is around. In the supermarket there are ‘n’ number of unique smart phones, and each of the smart phones has a weight ‘wi and market value ‘vi’. The robber was carrying a small knapsack in order to not look suspicious to anyone, thus he cannot carry more weight than a certain limit ‘wmax. The problem to be solved here is which smart phones the robber should take away with him to get the highest value? In this case the robber cannot take a fraction of a smart phone, he has to either take it or he has to leave it behind, thus making it a 0/1 knapsack problem.


Procedure to solve 0/1 Knapsack problem using Dynamic Programming with an example:


Since greedy approach doesn’t ensure optimal solution, thus the solution cannot be obtained using greedy approach. Thus we use Dynamic Programming Approach.

Let us assume, we have a knapsack which has a maximum weight capacity of 5.

wmax = 5


Now total number of items present is 4.

n = 4


The market value and weight of each item is described as follows :-

Now for solving , we create a table T[i,w] where , i(i.e the row) denotes number of items and w (i.e the column) denotes the weight of the items.


Since we have a total number of n = 4 items, we have 5 rows from Now for solving , we create a table T[i,w] where , i (i.e the row) denotes number of items and w (i.e the column) denotes the weight of the items.

The ith row is filled with 0, because when 0 items are considered, thus the weight of the knapsack remains 0.


Then we fill the first column with 0, because when weight is 0 then 0 items are considered.


Thus the table T[i][w] looks like this

Rule to fill the rest of the table T[i,w]

a) If wi> w then,

T[i,w] = T[i-1,w]

b) If wi<= w then,

T[i,w] = max( T[i-1,w] , vi + T[i-1,w-wi])

After calculation the table T[i,w] becomes 

Maximum value earned isT[n,Wmax]

Since n = 4 and Wmax = 5, maximum value earned is

T[4,5] = 140






1.    Total number of inputs n.

2.    Maximum weight capacity of the knapsack wmax.

3.    Array of size n containing the value of each of the items.

4.    Array of size n containing the weight of each of the items.



1.    Display the maximum value of the knapsack.


Step 1: Start

Step 2: Defining the max function

l  If x > y then return y

l  Else return x

Step 3: Defining the knapsack function

l Create an array with n+1 rows and wmax+1 columns.

l  Fill the 0th row with 0.

l Fill the 0th column with 0.

l  Repeat the substeps for i = 0 to n.

Repeat the substeps for j = 0 to wmax.

If wi< = wmaxthen,

T[i][w]    max(T[i-1][w], value[i] +        T[i-1][w - weight[i]])

Else then,

T[i][w]   T[i-1][w]

l  Display “The maximum value of the knapsack is T[n][Wmax]

Step 4: Defining the main function

l knapsack(n,wmax,value,weight)

Step 5: Stop




Knapsack has various applications in a wide variety of fields, such as selection of investments, finding the least wasteful way to cut raw materials, etc.


Knapsack problem using dynamic approach always yields the optimal solution.




Knapsack problem using dynamic approach is time consuming, and we have maintained a table for the computation.



Time Complexity:


Since our table T[i][w] stores the results for all the sunproblems, we conclude that we will not have more than n x wmaxsubproblems(where ‘n’ is the number of items and ‘wmax’ is the knapsack capacity). Thus, we will require n x wmaxiterations to compute the final result.

This means that our time complexity will be O(nxwmax)

Space Complexity:


The table T[i][w] has a size of n x wmax (where ‘n’ is the number of items and ‘wmax’ is the knapsack capacity), which means the space complexity will be O(nxwmax)