Before seeing the program please follow the previous program check pronic number.
A number is said to be a pronic number if the number is the product of two consecutive integer numbers.
For example, if we consider the number 72, it is the product of two consecutive integers 8 and 9. Therefore, 72 is a pronic number.
Now, if we consider a number 16, it is the product of 2 and 8 or 4 and 4 but no one is the consecutive integers. Therefore, 16 is not a pronic number.
For this program, first, the ranges are taken as input. For each number between the ranges, a loop is executed from 1 to half of the number and if the number is the product of any two consecutive numbers then the number is displayed as output.
INPUT: The ranges
OUTPUT: Pronic numbers between the given ranges
Step 1: [Taking the inputs]
Read m, n [The ranges]
Step 2: [Finding the pronic number]
For k=m to n repeat
For i=0 to k/2 repeat
If i×(i+1)=k then
Print k
[End of ‘if’]
[End of ‘for’ loop]
[End of ‘for’ loop]
Step 3: Stop.
printf("%d ",j);
//checking if the number is the product of
//two consecutive numbers
printf("%d ",j);
The time complexity of this program is O(p*j) where ‘p’ is the number between the ranges and ‘j’ is each number between the range that is to be checked for pronic number.
The space complexity of this program is O(1) as it requires a constant number of space to execute for any given range.