Cube and Cube root:


We need to remember the cube of 1 to 25 for the competitive exam: 


Cube root:

To calculate the cube root of a number at first we need to see the last digit of the number and need to cube it. The last digit of the cube will be the last digit of the result.


Then we need to take the first 2 digits and need to take a number whose cube is nearest to the first 2 digits.  And the number whose cube is less than the first 2 digits will be the result.


Example 1:

Answer: 26 


Example 2:

Answer: 37


# Percentage: Percentage is a fraction with a denominator of 100.


We can say that 


Now we need to remember.


Now how to use it in simplification:

Let us take one example:


Let us take another example:

We can write this 

So, if we can remember this chart of percentage to fraction conversation we can easily solve those types of mathematics.